Command List

Plugin Command Aliases Description
About !about None Shows information about the bot.
About !ping None Pings the bot to see if it’s alive. u ok?
About !uptime None Check bot uptime.
About !bug [description] !suggestion !issue Report a bug to the GitHub repo. Requires git, hub, and your github credentials cached in git.
Attack !slap [user] None Slap a [user].
Attack !kill [user] None Kill a [user].
Attack !lart [user] None Lart a [user]
Attack !flirt None Make the bot flirt.
Base64 !base64 [string] None Encode [string] with base64
Base64 !debase64 [string] None Decode [string] from base64
Base64 !isbase64 [string] None Checks to see if a string really is base64.
Bitcoin !bitcoin None Returns current bitcoin value.
Bitcoin !zetacoin None Returns current Zetacoin value.
Bitcoin !litecoin None Returns current Litecoin value.
Bitcoin !darkcoin !dash Returns current Darkcoin/Dash value.
Bitcoin !dogecoin None Returns current DogeCoin value.
Channel !rquote None Finds a random quote in the logs.
Channel !quote [user] None Find a quote from a specific [user].
Channel !resethistory None Reset channel log. Requires op or above. (Any of +oaq)
Channel !channel [option] [setting] None Modify channel options.
Channel !seen [user] None See when a user last spoke in the logs.
Cleverbot !cleverbot [string] !cb Asks Cleverbot a question.
Emoji !b [string] !:b: !🅱️ Replaces all occurrences of B in [string] with 🅱️.
Emoji !clap [string] !:clap: !👏 Replaces all spaces with 👏.
Emoji !br [string] !breplace !:b:replace !🅱️replace Replaces the first letter of each word in [string] with 🅱️
Emoji !tm [string] !™ Suffix each word with “™”
English !define [word] None Define a [word]. (Requires Wordnik API)
English !wordrandom !randomword Find a random word. Pretty random.
English !antonym [word] None Find the antonym of a [word]. (Requires Wordnik API)
English !synonym [word] None Find synonyms for a [word].
English !urban [word] None Searches urbandictionary for word.
Food !taco [user] None Gives [user] a taco
Food !cookie [user] None Gives [user] a cookie
Food !potato [user] None Gives [user] a potato
Food !cake [user] None Gives [user] a cake
Food !biscuit [user] None Gives [user] a biscuit
Food !sandwich [user] None Gives [user] a sandwich
Food !fortune None Gets a fortune cookie
Formatting !rainbow [string] None Makes [string] into a rainbow.
Formatting !wrainbow [string] None Makes [string] a rainbow, but only every word.
Formatting !usa [string] None Similar to !rainbow, but makes text patriotic.
Formatting !colorbarf [string] !multicolor Similar to !rainbow, but uses all 98 different colours.
GitHub !ghissue [repo] [issue#] !ghpull Finds [issue#] in GitHub [repo].
Google !video [yt id] None Finds stats about video [id].
Google !googl [url] None Shortens [url] with
Google !youtube [search] !yt Searches youtube for [search].
Google !youtime [search] None Finds duration of a youtube [video].
Google !lmgtfy [string] None Uses lmgtfy to search google.
Google !lmbtfy [string] None Uses lmbtfy to search bing.
Google !lmddgtfy [string] None Uses lmddgtfy to search duckduckgo.
Grammar !reverse [string] None Reverses Text. Example: “Hello” => “elloH”
Grammar !length [string] None Find the length of the string. Example: “Hello” => 5
Grammar !capitalize [string] !cap Turns “this” => “This”
Grammar !upcase [string] !up !upper Turns “this” => “THIS”
Grammar !downcase [string] !down Turns “This” => “this”
Grammar !derpify [string] None Kinda derpify the phrase. Example: “I like tornados” => “I LICK TORNADOS OMG LOL”
Grammar !titlecase [string] !title Turns “hello there” => “Hello There”
Grammar !swapcase [string] !swap Turns “Hello” => “hELLO”
Grammar !tableflip [string] !table Turns “What are you doing” => “( ノ⊙︵⊙)ノ ︵ ƃnᴉod noʎ ǝɹɐ ʇɐɥʍ”
Grammar !munge [string] None Munges up text. Which means you know when you hold down a letter on a digital keyboard.
InviteToJoin !leave None Make Chewbotcca go away. Requires half-op (op) or above.
Language !piglatin [text] None Converts [text] into pig latin.
Language !leet [text] None L33t more like y33t 😂 👌 😂 👌
MemeDB !memedb [meme] None Find a Meme in the MemeDB
Minecraft !uuid [user] None Shows UUID for a [user].
Minecraft !server [ip] None Looks up a server [ip] for stats. Provide an IP please.
Minecraft !namemc [user] None Searches NameMC for a term.
Minecraft !mcstatus None Finds Mojang and Minecraft status.
Minecraft !namemcf [user] None Finds [user]’s friends on NameMC.
Misc !8ball [message] None Shake the magic 8ball.
Misc !flip !coin Flips a SINGULAR coin.
Misc !qrcode [string] !qr Generate a QR Code from [string]!
Misc !choose [1,2] None Chooses between options, comma separated.
Music !spalbum [search] None Searches Spotify for [album].
Music !spartist [search] None Searches Spotify for [artist].
Music !spotifyapi None Force updates Spotify api key from client id and secret. Requires changeconfig permission.
Music !spotify [song] None Searches Spotify for [song].
Music !lastfm [user] None Find stats for [user].
Music !lastfmartist [user] !ltar !lastfmart Find top artists for [user].
Music !lastfmalbum [user] !ltal Find top albums for [user].
Music !lastfmtracks [user] !ltop !lttr Find top tracks for [user].
Music !lastfmcompare [user1] [user2] None Compare 2 users.
NickServ !nsregister [pass] [email] None Registers with NickServ. Owner only.
NickServ !nsverify [code] None Verify registration. Owner only.
Owner !join [channel] None Force the bot join a Channel. Requires botchans permission.
Owner !part [channel] None Force the bot leave a Channel. Requires botchans permission.
Owner !die None Shut down the bot :( Requires die permission.
Owner !eval None Evaluates ruby Expressions. Requires eval permission.
Owner !api [service] [key] None Sets API [service] to [key]. Requires changeconfig permission.
Owner !uperms None Find what perms you have
Owner !config [option] [setting] None Change config options. Requires changeconfig permission.
Owner !permissions [staff] [perm] [setting] None Change [staff] member’s [permission] to [setting]. Requires changepermissions permission.
Quotes !ron None Generates a Ron Swanson Quote
Quotes !trbmb None Generates a random TRBMB phrase
Quotes !acronym [phrase] None Uses Acronym Gen to fill out a phrase.
RandomCat !cat None Shows a random cat.
RandomCat !mcat [1-5] !multicat !kittens Multiple kittens!
Replace s/[find]/[replace] S/ Replaces first occurrence of [find] in the logs with [replace].
Restart !restart None Restarts the Bot. Requires restart permission.
Restart !update None Updates the Bot. Requires restart permission.
Restart !updates !version Checks for updates (must be using Git)
Stats !topspeakers None Returns a list of top speakers in the channel.
Stats !topwords None Returns a list of top words in the channel.
Stats !wordused [word] None See how many times [word] was used in the channel.
Stats !messagecount None Find the total message count in the logs
Stats !messages [user] None See how many messages user has sent!
Streams !mixer [user] None Shows mixer stats for user.

Commands with no Prefix

Plugin Description Usage
Channel Log all message Say a message in chat.
GitHub Describe GH Issues/Pulls Put a GitHub issue or pull request link in chat.
Google Describe youtube links Say a youtube link in chat.
InviteToJoin Joins a channel Invite the bot to the channel
Music Refresh Spotify token Nothing, wait an hour or run !spotifyapi
NickServ Authenticate with NickServ Nothing, start the bot.